7 Online Dating Red Flags to Avoid

Even on the best dating website, you will encounter men or women who you'd better ignore from the very first moment you see them. The reasons range from many too fine-tuned dating photos to a bio full of negativity. We've all come across them at one time or another....

Crucial to this then is to recognize these red flags early on. That way you will save yourself a lot of time and effort!

Here are THE 7 online dating red flags to avoid:

#1: Dating photography that is "too good to be true

In some cases, it happens that the dating photos on someone's profile look just a little better than in real life. The photos are a little too good to be true. 

When you think this, it is often true.

Basically, there is nothing wrong with a Tinder photo shoot. In fact, it's smart to take photos specifically for dating. However, it becomes a problem when, for example:

Being clearly edited (photoshopped)

Being old (e.g., the person was 5 years younger)

Produce a false image ('adventurous' lifestyle vs. a fairly boring life)

Therefore, after the initial contact, try to ask about their Instagram/Facebook or suggest a video call as soon as possible for a (hopefully) more realistic view.

#2: Too few pictures

Another real red flag is when you get very few pictures to swipe between at all.

Surely these individuals thus give a somewhat incomplete picture of who they are and what they do. The fact that they only have one or two photos available is not enough.

Then note it as a red flag and factor it into your decision to leave the contact with that person nicely behind. On to the next one!

#3: Refusing to video call

Does your online dating match refuse to video call several times in a row? And is there a new excuse every time?

Then this is enough reason to have doubts. If things were absolutely fine, he or she would probably be as eager as you to call.

Give it one more chance and let that be the last. NEXT!

#4: Pure Instagram promotion

Sometimes you will see that she he or she has the name of the Instagram account in the bio. Then pay attention immediately; it could well be that this is the sole purpose of the entire dating profile.

For example, you will come across a compelling dating profile that is the result of a stunning Tinder photo shoot by a real Tinder photographer.

Then you have a match and the initial conversation also gets off to a nice smooth start. Basically, of course, these are good signs, but sometimes the "you better DM me on Instagram" quickly follows.

After which you then get the most cold reactions there imaginable....

These people just want to boost the number of followers!

#5: Every photo is taken from the same angle

Do you notice that basically every photo on a dating profile is taken from the same angle? If so, this is a red flag for 2 reasons: 

Once again, you have too little information at your disposal

There may be an additional reason behind the omission of other photos

Another thing you might want to come across is a photo that was then taken at super close range, hes the flag parade guys!

#6: No blue check mark

One of the biggest red flags is when someone doesn't have a blue checkmark. Believe me, then you actually know enough right away.

You may then tend to give this person the benefit of the doubt. For example, the pictures look very good. You think, 'Maybe it can't hurt. Suppose he or she is real'.

An understandable thought, but mostly unrealistic!

#7: Lots of negativity in the bio

Finally, the 7th red flag; negativity in the bio. This often manifests itself in a wide variety of ways. The person:  

Says something negative about his ex ("hopefully you're better than my ex")

Emphasizes what the person does NOT want ('no badboy please')

Otherwise radiates negative energy

Recognize all 7 red flags to ensure you don't give tindermatches (or matches on another dating app) more attention than necessary. 

TIP: Choose a dating photo shoot yourself and add beautiful, realistic dating photos to your profile, so you'll make a strong impression from moment one!




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