Swiping for hours and still no matches? The biggest reasons!

You're out of luck on Tinder, Bumble or other dating apps.

With the average profile, it seems almost impossible to make these apps work for you.

Funnily enough, there are still many men like you who do have success on Tinder and other dating apps.

I know that because my job is to give ordinary men the very best dating profile

In this article, we cover the reasons you are not getting matches on dating apps.

Before we dive into the details, you need to know what is attractive and what is not. That's why I'm going to share 3 fundamental principles that largely determine whether you succeed on dating apps. With these in mind, it will be much easier to address why apps like Tinder aren't working for you right now.

  1. Attraction

  2. Trust

  3. Investment.

All these 3 elements should be reflected in your profile. doesn't she feel anchored? Swipe left. Does she not trust it? swipe left.

And does it look like you tried way too hard? you guessed it, swipe left.


Let's immediately clear up a big misunderstanding: your appearance is only one part of the complete picture. There are many more factors that determine how interested she is in you.

Other crucial components of attraction are:

  • Your appearance. Will she enjoy spending time with you?

  • Your "value. Are you someone who cheers her up or brings her down?

  • Your life. Does it seem exciting to her?

  • Do you show enough of these signals in your profile?


Not only should your profile be attractive.

It should also be able to reassure her that you are not going to cause her any trouble. if a lady has to doubt whether she will end up in the trunk after a date with you. she will most likely swipe left.


Nobody likes a show off, online it's the same thing. the louder you have to shout that you're cool the fewer people actually believe it.

So make sure that if you have very fat aspects in your life you present them in a humble way. Do you drive a very fat car? So then we don't need to see pictures with you sitting against the hood.

Top! Now that we have the basics out of the way, we can dive into the details and see how this all plays out.

Reasons why you don't get matches

Your profile pictures don't show your personality

The first reason you are not getting matches is that your profile pictures are suboptimal.

Your profile pictures have 2 tasks:

  1. Showing off your appearance.

  2. Showing how fun and great it is to hang out with you.

Most guys have some simple and boring pictures of themselves. Even if they look pretty good, it tells her nothing about your personality and life.So get pictures of you in different settings. Be social, have fun and enjoy your hobbies.

The photos you use to show off your appearance should be top quality. Use a photographer who knows how to take attractive photos.

You put too much effort into your profile and bio.

Another reason you have no luck getting matches is that you put too much effort into your profile and bio.

Too much? Yes, too much.

Remember the investment? If someone writes a long bio, uses all their photo pitches and uses lots of prompts on their dating profile, for example, what does that say?

It means you are trying too hard. You invest too much. Which indicates that your market value for dating must be low.

Your bio is too serious and unoriginal

Remember, you are trying to convey your personality. You want her to feel something when she views your profile.

A serious, factual bio doesn't do that. And trying to be funny by copying a commonly used bio is not optimal either.

Try to be witty and original in your bio..Your location and radius are not optimal

If you are in a small town or have a fairly small radius, you may just not have many options.

Try increasing your radius or changing your location to a nearby city, for example. Depending on the app, you can change your location. With Tinder, for example, it's possible with Tinder Passport. A premium option. You are too critical about who you swipe to the right

Another painful reason why you have no luck with dating apps is that you are too critical.

If you are just an average Joe and like only the hottest girls, you will probably never get matches.

Fortunately, there are many things you can do to pimp up your profile. But stay realistic. You may not be able to seduce every Victoria's Secret model ๐Ÿ˜‰.

You have irritated the algorithms

Each app works slightly differently. But they have one thing in common: They want to keep their users happy.

So the algorithms that determine who sees you (and who sees you!) change depending on your behavior.

For example. If you swipe everyone to the right, chances are Tinder's robots will hide you from the most sought-after women.


Because you act like you have absolutely no standards. And that's usually not the type of person women want to date. The most important thing to remember is: don't try to manipulate the app. There are no shortcuts to getting good results.


Ultimately, anyone can achieve a certain level of success on dating apps. It starts with understanding what you're doing wrong. After all, it's easier to avoid mistakes than to fix them.

This is especially true about getting more matches on Tinder. Over text, however, it gets a little more difficult.

If you are inexperienced, it can sometimes seem like an unclimbable mountain.

But with these tips, you can wrestle your way to the top

Or you can press the big button below and skip the hike, taking the elevator to the top instead.

Peace out,



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